One of the most common questions our team receives from buyers (and often other agents) is “How do you buy a HUD Home?”
The process is vastly different from other types of home purchases and is much different than buying any other type of foreclosure. Bidding is handled differently and only a real estate agent registered and approved with HUD may make a bid.
This point cannot be overstated: Both agents and their office must be registered with HUD and understand the entire process. We receive calls from agents all of the time explaining that their client wants to buy a Denver HUD home but they are not registered with HUD. We are more than happy to help these agents, but if you are a buyer and think that a HUD home might be a possibility, make sure you ask your agent upfront if they can help you.
We have created a 9 Step overview explaining the process. Check it out and feel free to call us with any questions at 303-726-1874.