I know several Denver Condos complexes that should consider this step.
From www.NBCWashington.com:
DNA Could Solve Doggie-Doo Caper
Using all the dog swabs, BioPet would create a doggie database of sorts for the complex. It would compare all those samples to the mysterious doggie-doo. When BioPet identifies the guilty pooch, the owner would pay a $500 fine.
“We pay all this money, and we’re walking around stepping in dog poop,” resident Steven Frans told The Sun. “We bring guests over and this is what they’re greeted by.”
Frans is the board member who proposed the plan, calling it a reasonable and objective way to find the culprit.
“I feel like I’m living in a ‘Seinfeld’ episode,” said Richard Hopp, who has lived in Scarlett Place for four years with his pal Sparky.
It may sound like this condo is going to the extreme, but according to BioPet, 40 percent of dog owners don’t pick up after their furry friends. With 75 million dogs in the U.S., that adds up to 15 million un-scooped poops (if your dog goes just once a day).
So far the plan is not written in stone, but the Scarlett Place condo board is expected to make a decision later this week.
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