Denver HUD Homes – More Information on the $100 Down Payment HUD Program

While HUD announced the return of the HUD $100 down payment program for Denver HUD homes last week, it has been hard to find many details on their website. We’ve been doing plenty of digging and made some phone calls and found out a little more information for all of you.

Denver $100 Down Payment HUD Program:

  • Purchasers must be owner / occupants
  • Purchasers must utilize FHA insured financing
  • Purchasers must offer full list price for the HUD listing

We’ve communicated with our preferred lender, and they are aware and able to assist you in getting qualified for this amazing program. Just give our team a call at 303-726-1874 and we can get you qualified and looking at Denver HUD homes today!

As a side note, while the $100 down payment HUD program is a great opportunity, we can also help you with the low down payment Homepath program offered on Denver Fannie Mae homes. In addition, there are several low down and $0 down programs available through our lender that we can help you with. Just give us a call at 303-726-1874.





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