There is a very interesting article relating to buyers of luxury homes in Denver and what they are looking for in a home purchase. It’s a lengthy article, but with the sales of high end Denver homes rising month over month for over a year, the article has some great insights into the minds of this niche buyer and how to best position your home for a fast sale at top dollar.
Besides the fact that most high end home buyers look at homes as a betetr investment than the stock market, there are survey results specifying exactly what these buyers are looking for.
Some Highlights from the article:
Multiple Properties and Lifestyles: As the real estate market comes roaring back, a new vote of confidence is apparent among luxury buyers. Investing in more than one home has become a trend in today’s luxury market. A majority of luxury homeowners surveyed (53%) prefer owning multiple “lifestyle” homes to support activities like skiing or theater going. In fact, more than half (58%) of luxury homebuyers already own multiple homes to support their lifestyle activities.
Fabulous Lifestyles Meet Fabulous Amenities: Bigger isn’t necessarily better – or more luxurious. In fact, 60 percent of luxury homebuyers surveyed would rather have as many upgrades as they can afford in their home, rather than more square footage. Similarly, nearly all (94%) luxury homebuyers surveyed would be willing to give up 1,000 square feet of living space from their next home in order to get a lifestyle amenity they desire
Wired for Luxury: When it comes to their dream home, a majority (66%) of luxury homebuyers surveyed said a “smart” home is more important to them than a “green” home. When house hunting, 87 percent of luxury homebuyers surveyed would not consider living in a home that isn’t tech-friendly.
The entire article is worth a read and highlights what sets buyers of Denver luxury homes apart from the more traditional market. Denver luxury foreclosures have been disappearing fast, and are almost non-existent in this market as high end buyers are picking up multiple properties.
If you would like to discuss this survey, or your specific housing needs, please feel free to call our team at 303-726-1874.