New Housing Development Proposed Near Highlands Ranch Homes

Interesting article on a new community being planned near all of the existing Highlands Ranch Homes from

New Housing Development Proposed Near Highlands Ranch Homes

 DOUGLAS COUNTY – It’s a nearly $4.3 billion community that would create countless jobs, a new school and an impressive commercial development.

The question, according to opponents, is whether the Sterling Ranch housing development is actually needed or desired.

With Highlands Ranch nearly built out and other developments nearby already covered in houses, developers of Sterling Ranch say there is an absolute need for new homes. They also contend that the housing development, the first major project in Colorado in nearly 10 years, would be a catalyst of economic recovery with jobless rates still at remarkably high levels.

Principal Developer for Sterling Ranch LLC Harold Smethills says the project, which is settled on urban property in the rolling hills off of Santa Fe and Titan Road in Douglas County, has been on paper for more than 10 years. The project consists of 12,000 homes and would take nearly 20 years to complete. It is surrounded by Highlands Ranch, Littleton, Roxborough Village and Chatfield Reservoir. It has been described as a donut hole because of its nestled location between the four areas.

Read the whole article here.

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